Thursday, March 18, 2010

Amendment: Chapter 3, paragraph 3

Proposed Amendment to Chapter 3: Ecological Sustainability, Introduction, Paragraph 3

The health of the life-support systems – the ecosystems on our continent – is of paramount importance. Inherent in the efficient dynamics of those ecosystems is a vital profusion of biodiversity. Therefore, t The Greens call for a halt to the destruction of habitats, which are being sacrificed to unqualified economic expansion. We humans have a moral responsibility to all of our relations life, many much of which are is facing extinction because we carelessly and permanently halt their long evolutionary journey.

The Green Party also supports the spread of organic agriculture and the careful tending of our nation’s precious remaining topsoil. We support planetary global efforts to slow the ever-increasing numbers of humans the rapid growth of the human population that is pressuring the Earth’s ecosystems, and we especially support the reduction of consumption of the world’s raw materials by the industrialized Northern Hemisphere. [new paragraph]We are appalled by our country’s withdrawal from serious efforts to limit greenhouse gases that are contributing mightily to global climate disruption. The Green Party strongly urges the United States to adopt an actively responsible position in this crisis and to take significant action to address the problem.

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